The Widow

This old farmhouse has been abandoned for some years now. Nature and man have had their time with it in no gentle way, and it would be realistic to believe that it's days as a home are behind it now. Perhaps this is why the items found inside seem so poignant, as if catching the last glimpse of what this place was at one time, and what a difference several years can make. As is commonplace with abandoned houses, looting has taken place here and nearly anything of real cash value has long since been taken away. What remains behind amounts to little more but debris and personal belongings. Though of no real monetary value, what remains here are important relics - Things which create a personal tale for this otherwise mysterious old house. Family pictures, letters, Christmas cards, all the things that tell the story of the last life to call this place “home” lay strewn all about.
What may at first appear to be
garbage covering the floors in all directions are, in actuality, the
house's memories torn asunder. If you take just a moment and look at
what you see before you, a story comes together with little effort.
It is as if the former home itself is reciting, as loudly as it can,
that it was once quite dear to someone not long ago. This “someone”,
was an elderly woman and one who was very fond of her family... and
of cats. It seems likely that her husband passed away some time back,
and she found companionship in her feline friends. Many items
throughout the former residence are cat-themed in one way or another.
Be it the handmade tissue-box covers, embroidered bath towels, or
seat cushions. Most of the Christmas cards scattered around are
feline-themed as well, so her fondness of cats was clearly not a
private one. Just looking at the house from outside presents it as
the home of a cat-lover. Numerous cat-coops sit empty upon its
sagging front porch, their straw bedding dances around the house's
front, riding the winter winds.
The events that bring the house to its current state are unknown to us, though it looks as if the elderly woman may well have passed away, or had to be relocated to a care facility Why her family never came to claim her possessions will likely never be known. It surprises us that her family would leave the home in shambles though, being as it seems the old woman had a very close relationship them. Regardless - Here sits a house tired and worn from years of neglect, filled with memories sentenced to decay along with it. Is this a sad thing? Maybe. However it also appears that the last life here was a warm one, well lived, and surrounded with what appears to have been much love.

Happy 25th.
We found this large negative on a shelf by a window...
We did our best to bring out the image which was hiding within.
This old Polaroid was laying on the kitchen floor.
This painting was painted onto the wall surface, with the frame attached around it.
This is the image from the negative seen in the above photo.

This is an older video of ours. When watching, you may notice that it has a different "feel" to it than our current-day films. This is because the style of our cinematography has progressed over time, and our equipment has changed and improved throughout the years. We have chosen to leave our older videos available for viewing online to illustrate the evolution of our work.