The Essex County Isolation Hospital
At the crest of a hilltop
in Essex County, NJ, can be found an imposing brick form known as the Essex County Isolation Hospital. It has held this lofty position
above the town since it was first constructed in 1932. Unlike the
past three-fourths of a century however, the massive wings of this
200,000 square foot tower now sit empty and silent, save for the low
howl of the wind as it continuously runs over the high corners of the
wards. Though
it has served the community for many generations, and is well known
locally for doing so, most will likely recognize the Isolation
Hospital for its cameo alongside Russell Crowe, in Ron Howard's 2001
film A
Beautiful Mind.
In the film the hospital was labeled as the Wheeler Defense Labs at
MIT, a school where John Nash (Russell Crow's character) works as an
empty chambers operated almost exclusively as an isolation hospital
for contagious diseases up until 1970, at which time it was
re-purposed for use as a geriatric center. With little need for such
a large building, much of the left wing was shuttered during the
transition period, and remained so forever after. Entire corridors of
hospital rooms became locked away beyond corroded sets of
double-doors, utterly devoid of life for some forty
years. It is only now, after the hospitals complete closure, that
people are beginning to once again venture down the long disused
hallways of the sealed wards. These massive passageways have
collectively come to be a kind of cyclopean
time capsule, one littered with countless relics from the hospitals
old days of service. Dust
covers everything, and serves as a constant reminder that you are
trekking ground that has long since been forgotten. There's a deep
chill in the air. The concrete walls, tile floors, and plaster
ceilings have a way of holding onto the stagnate frigged air in such
a fashion that it is easy to imagine the place to never be warm, even
in the height of summer. The visuals carry a cold rawness themselves
– The whole of your surroundings is a dull grey, brought on by the
dust and debris that has come to veil anything and everything in a
colorless haze. Shadows run plentiful and bury themselves along the
lengths of the halls, inking out distant corners altogether. These
wards are now caverns, dark and deep.

The main lobby.
This tub was precariously balancing on a corner and some pipes.
Some rooms seemingly became storage for unused beds.

The following images are screenshots from the film"A Beautiful Mind".