Hotel of Shadows

During its day this hotel catered to those staying in the area for extended periods of time. When you rented a room here you would receive a set of keys; one would unlock your bedroom, the other would unlock the door across the hall, which contained a kitchen and dining area. From the looks of things these kitchen-rooms were an after-thought, remodeled from surplus bedrooms which the resort no longer had a use for. The upper-most floor seems to have remained exclusively bedrooms to the end however, and after the remodeling on the floors below it became storage for the numerous bed-frames and mattresses removed to create the kitchens.
As previously stated – this hotel is still in decent shape, visually at least, primarily due to a lack of vandalism. However, this is not to say that the building is sound. One wing in particular suffers quite badly from water damage, the floors of which crack and snap when walked upon. This building is old and tired, and though it may outwardly seem safe, we were never quite at ease here. High above hung a haze of grey - The kind of sky that almost audibly threatened of snow to come. Though a true storm never manifested itself, light flurries eventually began to fall. They drifted down from the sky as flurries always do - randomly tumbling in unpredictable directions, very slowly altering the landscape as they cover everything in a dusting of white. Occasionally a flake would manage to enter in through an open window, to land upon a bed or nearby nightstand. Remaining there only a brief moment before dissolving.

A piano stands in the hotels lounge area. At some point in it's life someone had given it an awful faux-marble finish.
The dining room had an eerie ambiance to it.
The entire hotel was filled with interesting wallpaper choices.
The building farthest away in this photo, just beyond a small wood line, is another massive abandoned resort.
You can view our set from that location here - Vacancy Everlasting
You can view our set from that location here - Vacancy Everlasting
Though a little difficult to see in this image, it had begun to flurry while we were filming.
The lobby desk still contained much of its paperwork and many brochures.
unmade bedding gave us an uneasy feeling, as if we were intruding in
someone's home, or about to walk in on somebody sleeping.