Withering Confinements

Long ago the jail that stood here was
actually quite beautiful, though it bares little relation to the
building which greets you today. The first penitentiary on this land
was built in the 1850's, and at only two stories in height, it was
considerably smaller than today's building. However, it was also much more
striking, having been modeled to look the part of a castle. Though
beautifully designed the prisoner populace eventually outgrew its
walls, and forced the facility to remodel with duller
form-follows-function mindset. In 1907 the castle walls fell, and in
its place was built an infinitely-less impressive, but far more
useful prison. The new jail shared the same foundation as the old
one, but aside from some structural supports few of the interior
elements remained. Almost every wall, ceiling, and floor was replaced
to make way for a prisoner population of over 100.
Not all of the original castle-jail was
lost though. Attached to the rear of the modernized building were the
remnants of the old castle, gutted, and made into a recreational
center for the inmates. Sadly we were unable to document this strange
sounding sight, as it was razed long ago. Today a field of wild grass
grows in a square patch of land directly behind the jail where it
once stood. It is in this field that our journey begins.
We documented this location over a
couple visits, at two dramatically different times of the year. Our
initial expedition was paid on a warm and sunny summer's afternoon, a
trip which focused primarily on photography. Our second visit
occurred many months later on a grey and rainy winter day, one that
slowly turned to freezing rain before our time was through. Seeing
the old jail in such varied weather provided much insight into how
nature slowly subdues an old building such as this.
In the summer months the lawns and
fields surrounding the jail do their best to cover the facade in all
manner of plant-life. It is the ivy which excels here above all else.
Taking advantage of the solid footing provided by the weathered
brick, thick vines cover several stories along the rear of the
building in large green patches. As we approached the building we
began to hear a strange sound coming from within. It was repetitive,
occurring every couple seconds, and sounded as if two large pieces of
metal were being hit against each other. Any sounds coming from an
abandoned buildings are cause for concern, and that is twice as true
in a neighborhood such as this.

Animal life is not uncommon here, as we
walked the darkened hallways leading from the entrance, we could hear
the sounds of birds and squirrels scurrying the corridors and cell
blocks above our heads. The lower level of this old jail housed the
offices, and on each floor above were found the prisoner's cells.
Being as the lower level was the staff quarters, it was much better
appointed than the simple floors above. Of particular note were the
embossed tin ceilings, now rotted and hanging in a precarious
fashion. In some rooms the tin had fallen completely, covering the
floor and screeching loudly as you traversed it. There were still
small areas where the ceilings remained entirely in place, and seeing
that allowed you to imagine what the rest would have looked like back
in the days of operation, or even today if it had been properly cared
In the winter things are far different.
The jail is bitterly cold inside, and without the plant-life adorning
its exterior it looks as lifeless as it feels. The lack of foliage
also exposes the sizable mounds of garbage which have accumulated at the
base of the building. While filming filming, a thunderstorm slowly
rolled in on us, and we quickly discovered that the jail is far from
resistant to the elements. Pouring rain wailed upon the flat roof of
the jail, and leaks promptly became apparent in the ceiling. Before
long these slow drips became steady streams, pouring their way
through all five floors of the prison, eventually pooling in the
basement. Stairwells became waterfalls, and floors wading pools.
Curtains of water flowed downward over walls and windows, coating all
in a wet undulating sheen. It was difficult to discern the outdoors
from the indoors after just a few minutes.
There's no telling what lies ahead
for the old penitentiary. Though it appears there is currently little
interest in redeveloping the building, is also seems the city is in
no great rush to be gone with it. So it sits, as it has for over
thirty years now. Collectively the jail has been forgotten by the
city, even as it cloaks their streets and buildings under its
ever-present shadow.

Construction of the "modern"
jail underway in 1907.
This seemingly unimportant hole in the
floor once had trap doors, allowing of executions by hanging.
This arched doorway in the basement is likely one of the few relics which remain from the prison's days as a castle.
Some of the cells had impressive artwork left behind by the former inmates.
Narrow catwalks led to maintenance chambers between the cell blocks.
A postcard, from better days.
How different the jail looks in the winter. It seems almost sinister beyond the dead trees.
Rotting bars outside...
Rotting bars inside.
Large plumbing vent tubes run through the attic to the roof above.