JT's Skate Zone
Though we now stand in a snow-covered
field, looking up the long driveway to the dilapidated remains of
many childhood memories, we also stand at the end of a story. And as
it is with most abandoned places we are faced with a singular
question - What chain of events brought us to the sight laid before
From the outside this unsuspecting
looking warehouse of a building may seem like the type of place that
holds little to see, and less to care about. A characterless form
shelled in corrugated metal siding, standing alone in an otherwise
empty plot of wood-lined grass – The drab and abandoned remains of
what was at one time 'JT's Skate Zone'.
Despite what first impressions may lead
you to believe, this was actually a pretty happening spot during its
prime. JT's was a popular and quite sizable recreational complex that
featured a roller derby rink, swimming pool, gym, racquetball courts,
rock climb, a bar, arcade, and even an indoor merry-go-round.
However, by far the most popular attraction at JT's was the indoor skate park dubbed 'JT's Skate Zone'. Children and their
parents poured through here, and one can only image the sights and
sounds of it all during its better years. That was long ago though.
In less than ten years this thriving business came to ruin, and
shortly thereafter the collection of rotten wood, rusting metal, and
filthy plastic that remained gave way to a collection of burned wood,
blackened metal, and melted plastic.
Throughout the 1990's JT's proved to be
a popular venue, especially considering the inline skate and
roller-rink trend of the era. Though successful, the history of the
facility was more-or-less unremarkable until the early 2000's, the
point at which the business began to rapidly implode.
One of the more popular evening
hangouts at JT's was the club, and though alcohol was available
elsewhere at the facility, considering that many of JT's patrons were
minors, alcohol was not permitted in the club proper. That didn't
seem to stop JT's from receiving numerous violations for minors in
possession of alcohol. In little time the business began to take on a
seedy reputation, and local parents no longer felt safe with their
children at the establishment after dark. Not long after, the final nail was struck.

We paid visit to JT's on two occasions,
and they could not have been more different. The first was in the
dead of winter, before the fire, the return trip was shortly after
the flames. Though the fire had been extinguished days before we made
our return, the inside of the building was still thick with the fetor
of burned plastic. A toxic air, one that sticks to the back of your
throat as you breath, slightly burning with a toxic flavor. On both
our visits the place looked ragged, much the way you would expect a
constantly damp building full of wood and sheet-rock to be. Among that
decay though, there were strewn relics of all kinds. Skates, sporting
equipment, posters, even an indoor jungle gym complete with tube
slide. They were all drab in color from age and grime. Playthings
reduced to grim reminders.
After the fire things were pretty much
the same as our first visit, aforementioned aroma of burned plastic
notwithstanding. Many of the items we saw and filmed were still here,
but blackened with soot and heat. Some things fared better than
others, wood in many areas had been decimated, and the plastic tube slide had become
a deformed mess. The skylights of the building were destroyed as
well, letting in far more daylight than the fogged over plastic
provided with upon our winter visit. Though the sun poured in now, it
illuminated far darker scenery than what once was. All the colorful
flooring and rainbow walls had been reduced to shades of black and
grey from the smoke. Like a shadow permanently affixed to the vista
around us.

A technicolor playground...
...consumed by flames.
The indoor pool wasn't exactly pristine before the fire.
However, after the fire it looked considerably worse.
The floor was covered in countless fine hair-like fibers.
It took us a while to realize they were coming from the burned fiberglass roofing material.
Click here to read more about the sordid tale of JT's in Weird NJ issue #36